Removal of oil base dust, sulphur deposits, oxides, dirt from fins of heaters is important as it helps to increase the efficiency of heaters functions. It also allows a cleaner and neutralised environment for mechanical and inspection team for work and inspections. The methodology and schedule will be determined base on the dirt cleaning, accessibility and period of running the heaters.

Example of air fin cooler cleaning:

Chemical cleaning removes aluminium oxides, rust fouling on air fins to increase efficiency of air fin cooler function. We have both foam and solution type cleaning method on induced or forced air fin coolers.

Benefits in utilizing our innovative fin fan cleaning system as follows:

  • No requirement to entry into the shrouds areas
  • No damage tubes by person walking on the aluminium finned tubes
  • No damage and bend of aluminium fins caused by improper use of high pressure water
  • Clean deep into the interiors of tube banks that cannot be done in water wash
  • Remove oil base dust, dirt that sticks to the fins
  • Removes possible aluminum oxides, rust fouling on fins
  • Increase the efficiency of air fin cooler function
  • Past experience – increase efficiency in temperature of 4 to 6 deg C. 
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