Oil flushing is carried out to remove the contamination built into the components and systems before operation so that sensitive components do not fall prematurely. The acceptance criteria will be based on the client’s requirements. The cleanliness level will be based on the NASA standard, Class II Natio­nal Aerospace Standard ++ 1638 (NAS).

Chemical cleaning shall be carried out on carbon steel piping to ensure that the pipeline isfree from debris and foreign materials prior to oil flushing.

Common equipment that requires oil flushing:

  • Lube oil supply and drain lines
  • Seal oil supply and drain lines
  • Servo system supply and drain lines
  • Hydraulic start up system supply and drain lines
  • Power take off system supply and drain lines
  • Lube oil reservoir level control (auto fill) system
  • Seal oil interconnect lines
  • Lube oil coolers
  • Lube oil interconnect lines
  • Turbine Generator Lube oil system / Turbine compressor
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